Monday, September 08, 2008

Phoniness, Business and Questionable Rights (Homework Assignment)

In this week's Maclean's (September 1, 2008), read the opinion article on p. 13 (The West, Mad at China for Being Fake: That's Rich) and read the articles in the Business Section, p. 33-34 (Looking for help in all the wrong places / Groceries go under the shrink ray / Mining firm gets a lesson in queuing / Evian for kids: it's all about image) and the short article on p. 29 (What's a Mouseketeer with no gun?) . Be prepared to discuss the articles in your discussion groups.
Students who have not turned in one of the assignments should write a short synthesis (100-150 words) and analysis (100-150 words) for one of the articles. If you are up to date, you do not have a written assignment this week, but be sure to read the assigned articles (and any others that interest you).


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