Thursday, December 03, 2009
Now that the session has almost finished, I would really appreciate some feedback from you to help me plan for future sessions. Please answer this survey and good luck on your final exams!
Friday, October 16, 2009
In Piazza San Domenico at the Centaur Theatre
You will be seeing Steve Gallucio's play In Piazza San Domenico at the Centaur Theatre. Check your MIO account for instructions to the theatre, a short summary of the play and your written assignment. If you would like more information about the play, you can read the review in the Montreal Gazette and an article about the playright in the Montreal Arts Rover.
Here is a synopsis of the play written by Spiridoula Photopoulos of Vanier College:
Steve Gallucio's one act play is set in Naples,
Italy. The year is 1952 and most of the action occurs in a piazza named San Domenico. The play centers on the young and beautiful Carmelina Benvenuto. She is the daughter of a wido, Isabella Benvenuto, and the fiancéee of the handsome and always well-dressed Guido Mandolino. Carmelina suddenly decides to call off her wedding and a series of misunderstandings ensues. As a result, comedic havoc is wreaked on the lives of the various characters in Gallucio's play. In the end, the power of love prevails over everyone's need to "keep face." Also, the characters realize that they should "stop stalling and start living."
Here is a synopsis of the play written by Spiridoula Photopoulos of Vanier College:
Steve Gallucio's one act play is set in Naples,

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
More about the Bitter Side of Chocolate

A Dutch man (from the Netherlands) named Teun van de Keuken was so angry that governments were not doing anything about slavery in the chocolate industry that he tried to have himself convicted of a crime for eating chocolate, saying that he was guilty of promoting slavery. This video shows some clips from this experience.
A montage called Blood Chocolate shows pictures from the slave industry with text to describe the situation. This report from Wales shows the positive effects of fair-trade chocolate grown in Ghana, which borders Ivory Coast.
What can you do about blood chocolate and child slavery? Write to your Member of Parliament to insist that farmers be paid fair wages and that the chocolate we receive is not produced by slave labour.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Who Are the Real Digital Natives?

Sample analyses: ENA vs Longueuil as the Digital Natives.
Images from and
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Wikipedia and Websites

Your reading this week was about Wikipedia. If you would like to see learn more about how Wikipedia works, you can watch this video of a speech given by the creator, Jimmy Wales.
Go to the English Wikipedia site to find answers to these questions:
1.How many English articles are in Wikipedia today?
2. How many languages have a version of Wikipedia today?
3. Look up a controversial topic (such as Abortion Debate) and see how Wikipedia deals with it. What happens if an article (such as this one) isn't cited clearly?
4. Look up a topic related to your program that is very current such as the Bombardier C-Series . How does Wikipedia treat it? Take a look at the Discussion to learn more about how the article is evolving. You will also see links for the Wiki Project Aviation.
5. Click on "History" for one of the articles. When was this article last updated?
6. Find out about Wikipedia's Five Pillars for articles and check out their Manual of Style. If you would like to write an article for Wikipedia, you should first follow their tutorial . Also, be sure to check out the Simple English Wikipedia which is an English wikipedia designed for non-native speakers. Here are instructions for writing Simple English articles.
7. Explore some of the other wiki projects related to your field of study and consider a topic for your research project that you could publish on Wikipedia. Here are links to some of the current projects: Anthropology, Archeology, Astronomy, Dentistry, Engineering, Fashion, Film, Graphic Design, Languages, Mathematics, Media, Medicine, Opthalmology, Nursing, Physics, Sociology, Technology, Visual Arts, and more here.
Analyzing Websites
Before using an internet site for research, you need to determine whether the site comes from a

Below is a list of links to various websites that are hoax sites or sites set up as a front organization. Imagine that you did not know that these sites were unreliable. Working with one or two partners, choose one of the sites and then, using the questions on page 34 of Insight as a guide, analyze the site to detect the clues you find that indicate it is not reliable. Remember to ask yourself the same basic questions a journalist asks: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How:
- Who posted the website?
- What is the subject matter?
- When was it created and last updated?
- Where does the owner/creator come from?
- Why was the website created?
- How is the website supported and arranged?
Public Water Supply
Clones R Us
Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division
Friends of Science (read this after looking at the site)
Monday, September 07, 2009
How Well Do You Google?

Google News is a good place to start to get recent news on an issue, and if you click Other News

Another good source of written information is on Google Books and for videos try Google Video in addition to YouTube. If you are collaborating with other students on your research project, you might want to try writing it using Google Documents--the document is secure, but any of you can edit it. You can talk to each other using Skype, YM or any other chat program, and collaborate on the document from your home computers.
Remember, you MUST cite all of the sources you used in your research using MLA documentation style. You can refer to your textbook for models or check these sites for

Be sure that your references are correctly formatted and that they are in alphabetical order.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Analyzing Commercials
Consider the following questions:
1. Does the ad tell a story? If so, what is the basic structure—what is the sequence of events or actions?
2. Is there dialogue? How do the actors interact?
3. Is there a narrator (a voice of someone that you do not see)? If so, is it a man or a woman? Old or young? Authoritative, playful or matter-of-fact?
4. What is the tone of the ad—is it humourous, playful, serious, informative, etc?
5. Does the ad use music? What role does the music play?
6. What other technical devices are used in the ad: Does the ad show close-ups of the characters or long-shots (a picture taken from a distance)? Is lighting used in any special way? Are there unusual camera angles?
7. Are printed words used in the ad? What effect do they have?
8. Who is the target audience? Who is the commercial trying to reach?
9. What is the message? Is the intention to convince you to buy a product, inform you to do something or something else?
10. Does the commercial succeed in delivering the message? Do you feel inspired to act?
Berlitz (Germany)
Use Seatbelts (USA)
Guinness Evolution (Ireland)
Molson Beer (Canada)
Funding for the Arts (Canada)
Rice Krispies (USA 1960's)
How do these ads compare to other ads you have seen? Why are some ads more successful than others? Take a look at a short video called How to Write a Boring Ad that makes fun of traditional commercials.
After you have watched the commercials, work with a partner to write a short analysis of one or two of these ads by answering the questions above in a well-structured paragraph. Print out your paragraph to turn it in (double-spaced) and post your analysis on the collaborative blog (single-spaced on the blog). Read what your class mates wrote and leave them constructive comments. Click here to see some student samples.
Is there a commercial that you really dislike? If you can find a link for the commercial, leave a comment with the link. You can also leave a comment with a link for commercials you do like.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Survey on Technology and Media Habits
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Debates and Faulty Logic
As you research the arguments for your debates, you want to be sure that your logic is sound. During the debates, listen carefully to your opponents to be sure there are no flaws in their logic. This slideshow is designed to help you avoid using faulty logic.
(Unfortunately, the slideshow was hosted at Bubbleshare which has since closed.)
Watch the video below about Global Warming, paying attention to the arguments the speaker gives and determine whether you think his reasoning is solid or flawed.
(Unfortunately, the slideshow was hosted at Bubbleshare which has since closed.)
Watch the video below about Global Warming, paying attention to the arguments the speaker gives and determine whether you think his reasoning is solid or flawed.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Doubt: A Parable

Watch the trailer to the film version of Doubt to reflect on the differences between cinema and stage presentations.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Oral Presentations

In this first presentation, Ed Ulbrich uses compelling visual aids to enhance his talk about making a computer-generated 80-year-old Brad Pitt. Pay attention to how his use of gestures and body language help engage the audience:
In this second presentation, Barry Schwartz talks about the importance of wisdom. Although he is reading from a text, his eyes spend more time contacting the audience than glued to his text. Notice how his facial expression and intonation enhance his talk:
The third presentation is not a TED talk. This is a presentation about giving presentations by Garr Reynolds, an authority who keeps a blog on presentation zen.
In conducting research for your presentation, you might find some interesting podcasts related to your topic. Check here for some academic and radio sources. Here is a list of useful dictionaries to help you find the specific terminology. Google News assembles articles from 25,000 news sources. For archived articles, I recommend you become a member of the Bibliothèque nationale (near the Berri-UQAM métro). You will have to go in person to get your membership and bring proof of residency in Quebec; once you have a membership, you can search a wide range of archived periodicals online for free, and, of course, check out their catalogue for books, magazines and recordings. Finally, remember to cite all of your references using MLA documentation style.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The U.S. Bailout, NGR Shoes and Reported Speech
This week's homework assignment is from the October 20, 2008 issue of Maclean's. The questions, which were distributed in class, refer to the essay by Steve Maich on page 47 entitled Facts and Fairy Tales of Paulson's Bailout. The other article, on p. 73, is So You Never Have to Go to the Gym. The questions for the second article deal with Reported Speech. If this is not clear, then refer to page 17 in your Course Manual.
We will begin preparing for your final oral presentation: a formal debate. You should review all of your Maclean's magazines to get some ideas for current controversial topics, but you may also want to take a look at the wiki Debatepedia produced by IDEA (International Debate Education Association). This page lists Past Daily Debate Digest topics and this page lists Popular Debate topics--but you should try to find a topic that is current rather than one that has already been debated over and over.
We will begin preparing for your final oral presentation: a formal debate. You should review all of your Maclean's magazines to get some ideas for current controversial topics, but you may also want to take a look at the wiki Debatepedia produced by IDEA (International Debate Education Association). This page lists Past Daily Debate Digest topics and this page lists Popular Debate topics--but you should try to find a topic that is current rather than one that has already been debated over and over.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Reflections on SCORCHED
After you have seen the play, reflect on the following points:
What would have been the advantages and disadvantages if Nawal had decided:
1. to tell her children that they were the offspring of a prison rape
2. to tell her children about their father after the war-crimes tribunal
3. never to tell her children about their father or half-brother
Instead, she refused to speak after the war-crimes tribunal and led her children to find out about their father and half-brother on their own after her death. Was this the best decision?
Consider the quotes below. Who says them? What is the significance in the play? How do they relate to the overall theme of the play? Why are these lines repeated?
Childhood is like a knife stuck in the throat.
Now that we are together everything is better.
Although the setting is presumably Lebanon, the specific country is never mentioned. What elements of Nawal's story are universal? What are some other countries that this story might have taken place? Look through your Maclean's magazines to find current stories where similar tragedies and struggles are taking place today.
How does live theatre differ from cinema? Consider the use of space, lighting, setting and props, character changes, music, etc. What effect did the play as a whole have on you? Do you think a movie would have the same effect? Be able to explain your observation.
What would have been the advantages and disadvantages if Nawal had decided:
1. to tell her children that they were the offspring of a prison rape
2. to tell her children about their father after the war-crimes tribunal
3. never to tell her children about their father or half-brother
Instead, she refused to speak after the war-crimes tribunal and led her children to find out about their father and half-brother on their own after her death. Was this the best decision?

Consider the quotes below. Who says them? What is the significance in the play? How do they relate to the overall theme of the play? Why are these lines repeated?
Childhood is like a knife stuck in the throat.
Now that we are together everything is better.
Although the setting is presumably Lebanon, the specific country is never mentioned. What elements of Nawal's story are universal? What are some other countries that this story might have taken place? Look through your Maclean's magazines to find current stories where similar tragedies and struggles are taking place today.
How does live theatre differ from cinema? Consider the use of space, lighting, setting and props, character changes, music, etc. What effect did the play as a whole have on you? Do you think a movie would have the same effect? Be able to explain your observation.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Scorched at the Centaur Theatre

Scorched is a story about loss and redemption. It follows the mythic quest of twins Janine and Simon Marwan as they attempt to uncover the mysteries of their past. The play opens in a notary's office with the reading of a will--that of their mother Nawal, whose past is filled with silence and mystery. Janine is a mathematician who teaches at a local college and Simon is training to become a professional boxer. At the reading of the will, the twins are each given a letter with instructions to find the rest of their family. One letter is addressed to their brother and the other to their father. At first, Simon is angry with his mother and refuses to comply with her last wishes. Janine embarks on a journey to her mother's homeland to find out the truth about the past. She learns of the violence and turmoil of Nawal's tragic life.
Directions to the Centaur Theatre: 453 St François-XavierOld Montreal Directions from METRO: Place D'Armes Metro Station Take St-Urbain exit. Once outside turn right (south) towards the Notre-Dame Basilica. Walk up 2 blocks to Notre Dame Street.On Notre-Dame street turn right.Walk 1 block to St François-Xavier and turn left. The Centaur Theatre is on the left hand side.
From AUTOROUTE VILLE MARIE: Take Berri/St-Laurent Exit. Stay Left - Turn Left on Rue Viger. Left on St-UrbainRight on St-Paul. Right on St François-Xavier. The Centaur Theatre is on the East side. From DOWNTOWN: Take St-Jacques going East. Right on Peel St. (at Dow Planetarium). Left on Notre Dame. Continue until Notre Dame Basilica. Turn Right on St-Sulpice. Right on St-Paul. Right on St François-Xavier. Centaur Theatre is on the East side.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Preparation for Midterm Exam
To prepare for your midterm exam, you should read through the five articles in the September 29, 2008 issue of Maclean's on the different candidates in Canada's current leadership race (Stephen Harper p. 18-22; Stephane Dion, p. 23-26; Jack Layton, p. 28-30; Gilles Duceppe, p. 31-32 and Elizabeth May, p. 33-34). Also read Andrew Coyne's essay on p. 12 entitled "How Journalists Get in the Way of the Election" .
Bring the magazine with you, along with your course manual and a dictionary. The second part of the exam is open-book.
The first part of the exam is closed book. You will need to study the vocabulary and language elements listed on the handout I gave in class.